Principal investigator
Mengkun Liu began his physics education in Fudan University in 2002, where he studied electromagnetic theory with Prof. Zhifang Lin during his undergraduate thesis project (PRE, OE 2005). He left Fudan with a BA in physics in 2006 and began his PhD studies at Boston University where he had the pleasure to work with Prof. Richard D. Averitt. His thesis research (PhD 2012) demonstrated it is possible to use strong THz field to induced insulator to metal phase transitions in quantum materials (Nature 2012) (Prof. R. D. Averitt is now at UC San Diego).
In fall 2012, Mengkun joined Prof. D. N. Basov's lab at UC San Diego where he obtained enormous experience on infrared and s-SNOM techniques (ROPP 2017) . (Prof. D. N. Basov is now at Columbia University.)
In 2015, Mengkun Liu has been appointed as an assistant professor at Stony Brook University in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Since Oct.1 2019, Mengkun Liu has a joint appointment at NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Since Oct.1 2020 Mengkun Liu has been appointed as associate professor at SBU.
Staff scientist / research fellow
Bing Cheng
Lukas Wehmeier
(co-advised with Larry Carr)
Boyi Zhou
Ran Jing
Jianwei Ding
(co-advised with Tom Allison
Research Associates
Xinzhong Chen
Rafael Mayer
Graduate Students